Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday will always be Monday..

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahita'ala Wabarakatuh.
As usual, today is Monday (again)...

Allah still gives permission to me to take deep breath in and enjoy every single second of my life...

Diam tak diam, today is day 8 of fasting...1 week passed, 3 weeks to go...
everyday is a very good day thus far in this fasting month... until now all the meal are fabulous!

Some of us have already got their Baju Raya and all the preparation for Raya Celebration. for me it is still early to buy and shopping for that...what is more important is do the fast first then you can think about having Baju Raya and so ever...

As a human being we can't run away from eagerness to buy for celebrate something, but as a Muslim we must remeber this...


Being so-so in life is a request in Islam. So, don't being too much in buying anything...don't be such a greedy wealthy man to buy everything you want...keep thinking to the unlucky person that can't do like us.. eg : shopping, buying thing for Hari Raya, "bazaring" @ "paraming" (bazar @ pasar Ramadhan la)

Remember my friend,
All these years we always blame the Satan because of convincing us to do bad thing..but in this month (Ramadhan) we are fighting for our selves against ourselves!
You can't blame nobody right just just us...
Don't forget..ISTIQAMAH...ISTIQAMAH....

PS : Don't forget to pay your Zakat..Don't wait until last minute....

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