Monday, March 1, 2010

kembali memanaskan kawasan

setelah sekian lama tidak meng'update' blog ni, akhirnya i'm back! bkn aper, xtau nak update mcmaner. tgk blog org lain giler punyer dahsat! xpe..slow n steady. kite cuba buat sikit2 almost 3 months+++ since i've been posted here at the Army Aviation Directorate. A total of hundred and three percent difference from the first battalion royal malay regiment. but i also learn a lot of things here...but now, so many things need to be done...all by this month!aarrrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!


  1. this month is a very wet month. rainy every evening. hujan...hujan...hujan....nak buat mcmaner, rahmat tuhan.

  2. Sekarang ni aku telah pun bertukar tempat kerja. Markas 11 Briged, Kem Sungai Buloh. Menjawat jawatan sebagai Pegwai Staf 3 Tadbir. Agak biol jugak la masa mula2 dtg sini...yela, kita bkn pandaipun..tapi ASKAR, tiada alasan..kena belajar jugak..tau ke xtau ke..kena tau jugak...

    Its been almost 1 year since I posted far, everything going just fine..except for 1 @ 2 is normal as a human being..we always make mistake...but, don't take things for granted!!!

  3. Went to IPP PU KL (Institut Perubatan Penerbangan Pangkalan Udara Kuala Lumpur) this mornig for having a medical check up as part of the BATCO interview. Tomorrow it will be the last phase that is, we have to stand in front of the panel that are from the PUTD 'Gang' it self.... It makes me shaking... If I am the one that have been chose tomorrow, so welcome back to me to Army Aviation....

  4. dah lepas dah temuduga...
    tapi aku tak dapat. nape? x cukup terer lagi..hahaha...xper...mungkin rezeki aku tak ke situ..nnt ade la rezeki kat tempat lain, meneruskan kerja sebagai PEGAWAI STAF 3 TADBIR MARKAS 11 BRIGED...
