Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Ta'ala Wabarakatuh...
Setelah sekian lamanya saya tidak berada di ruangan Internet ni disebabkan kehadiran cahaya mata baru, Raja Nur Irdina Bilqis yang telah selamat dilahirkan pada 090911 jam 1450h di Hospital Ampang Selangor dengan berat 2.95kg. believe it or not, now my daughter is already 4kg already (last checked on last week) even though she still not yet a month! Alhamdulillah... later I'll post the pictures of her...
But for now, I dun wanna talk about my new born daughter. As you read the topic, I would like to share something that is really important to all Muslims...
The above picture is the picture that I took from one of my friend on my FB account. From the first look, it is look like the Ayat Al Quran that have been crop to make it as a wall picture that we use to hang it at home..BUT,
Try to look it closer, on the red box it shows that " Injiilu Mattay 5 : 44 - 45"
There are no such thing as Injiilu Mattay in Al Quran..
It is took from the BIBLE or in other word INJIL.
So, to all my fellow Muslims relatives, please be really careful when you wanna buy Ayat Al Quran at the shop. Make sure you know what are the phrases that you wanna buy to hang it at your home. Don't just simply buy when you see the Khat or picture is nice..
This is one of the way that Kafir wanna to tackle us away from our Islam itself. That is not all, as you can see most all the film that Q on the cinema are all bait and it will lure us discreetly to get away from Islam.
Be careful to all this things...
I posted this as a reminder, not only to all Muslims, but also to my self..
thank you for reading...